What is the role of a programme operator?
How does Environdec, EPD International and the International EPD System relate to each other?
How does the International EPD System relate to EN 15804?
How much does it cost to publish an EPD?
What is the cost of developing an EPD?
What is the fee for updating an already registered EPD?
How do I create an account on the EPD portal?
How can I connect my user account to a company?
Can my company have more than one user in the portal?
How can I model electricity when data on the residual grid mix is not available?
How shall the electricity market be defined?
What is specific data, selected generic data and proxy data?
Shall audits within a process certification always be performed on site and shall sampling follow the same sampling model as for 14001?
How can I register as an Individual Verifier?
What is the role of a verifier?
What can be declared as additional environmental information?
What is an EPD?
How long does it takes to create an EPD?